
Brown Bag Seminar (DoSS, University of Toronto)

About the seminar series:

Welcome to our casual research seminar organized in the Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto. Our aim is to discuss new ideas with everyone in the department (students, postdocs, visitors, and faculty). Talks usually last around 30 minutes, followed by discussions. We welcome current research, overviews of emerging topics, statistics pedagogy, research methodologies, and more. Some pizzas will be offered before the seminar around 12:20pm.

Seminar organizers: Austin Brown & Archer Gong Zhang & Piotr Zwiernik

Schedule of Talks for 2024/2025

Meetings are on Tuesdays, 12:30pm (30 min talk + discussion), room: 9014, Ontario Power Building (700 University Avenue). Pizza will be served around 12:20pm.

To sign up to give a talk, use our spreadsheet.

Upcoming talks

Date Speaker Title Remarks
Apr 1 Liam Welsh Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Greenhouse Gas Offset Credit Markets Internal Speaker

Past talks

Date Speaker Title Remarks
Mar 25 Jianhui Gao Using ML predictions to drive large-scale and robust scientific inquiry Internal Speaker
Mar 18 Ziyi Liu Sequential Probability Assignment with Contexts: Minimax Regret, Contextual Shtarkov Sums, and Contextual Normalized Maximum Likelihood Internal Speaker
Mar 11 Ichiro Hashimoto Universality of Benign Overfitting in Binary Linear Classification Internal Speaker
Mar 4 Skip for UTSC search job talk    
Feb 25 Zhijing Jin Causal Reasoning with Large Language Models Incoming Assistant Professor at CS
Feb 18 Skip for reading week    
Feb 11 Skip for UTSC search job talk    
Feb 4 Skip for job talk    
Jan 28 Skip for job talk    
Jan 21 Skip for job talk    
Jan 14 Sabrina Sixta MCMC common random number simulation: discoveries and mysteries Internal Speaker
Jan 7 Jeffrey Rosenthal Chess champions, CEOs, streaks, and probabilities Internal Speaker
Dec 10 Claire Yu Speed up your computation: strategies and platforms Internal Speaker
Dec 3 Ruyi Pan Devariation: a robust approach to improve statistical power in high-dimensional multi-view association testing Internal Speaker
Nov 26 Kevin McKinnon BP3M: Bayesian Positions, Parallaxes, and Proper Motions derived from the Hubble Space Telescope and Gaia data Astro postdoc
Nov 19 Kathleen Miao Robust Elicitable Functionals Internal Speaker
Nov 12 Skip for DoSS Postdoc Day on Nov 14    
Nov 5 Nancy Reid Some aspects of inference under model misspecification Internal Speaker
Oct 29 Jun Young Park What makes good applied statistics research? Some recent case studies from neuroimaging statistics Internal Speaker
Oct 22 Piotr Zwiernik Property testing in Gaussian graphical models Internal Speaker
Oct 15 no meeting    
Oct 8 Scott Schwartz Incorporation of AI chatbots into STA130 Internal speaker
Oct 1 DSI Research Day Skip Skip
Sep 24 Vianey Leos Barajas Statistics Summer Research Clubs (AI for Baseball, Shark Statistics) Internal speaker
Sep 17 Biprateep Dey Calibrated Uncertainty Quantification for Physical Sciences Internal speaker
- We would like to acknowledge funding from the Department of Statistical Sciences.